- Cook is a 6-3, 215 pound righty. The 30 year old has a medium frame that can add a little more muscle. He comes from an over the top release. His fastball is a 2-seam sinker that is his primary pitch and has good run in on righties with some sink and is a late breaking pitch. His change moves like a fastball, but slower. His slider is a sharp 2-7 with good bite. His curve is a big breaking 12-6 with good bite. A perfect fit for his ballpark. He left the game with an injury after making a diving play and throwing the ball away.
1st: FB (88-92), SL (88), CU (86)
2nd: FB (87-92)
3rd: FB (88-94)
4th: FB (89-94), CU (87)
5th: FB (89-94), CB (73)
6th: FB (88-91)
2) Alan Embree: 16 pitches. 0 strikes swinging.
- He came from a high 3/4 release and showed a 11-4 slider with good bite and a straight 4-seam fastball.
6th: FB (92-93), SL (78-81)
7th: FB (90-93), SL (79-80)
3) Juan Rincon: 6 pitches. 0 strikes swinging.
- A graduate (or starter) of the Kiko Calero school of pitching, Rincon is a 5-11, 210 pound righty. The 30 year old has a small frame that is maxed out. He comes from an over the top release with a sharp 2-7 slider with good bite.
7th: SL (83-86)
4) Joel Peralta: 23 pitches. 1 strike swinging. Fastball.
- He came from an over the top release and showed a fastball with a little run in on righties, a split with good dive that can be flat and serves as his out pitch and a 2-7 slider with good bite.
8th: FB (91-93), SL (77-79), Split (81-84)
5) Randy Flores: 12 pitches. 3 strikes swinging. 2 Sliders, Curveball
- Flores came from a high 3/4 release and showed a big breaking 11-4 curve with good depth and a sharp 10-4 slider with good bite to go with his straight 4-seam fastball.
8th: FB (90), SL (81-83), CB (74-76)
6) Matt Daley: 23 pitches. 0 strikes swinging.
- Daley is a 6-2, 175 pound righty. The 27 year old has a medium frame that can add a lot more muscle. The sidearming righty has a bent knee start in the stretch and can have some herky-jerk to him. His fastball has good run in on righties and has some good late life with sink. His change has good fade from lefties with sink and is his out pitch. His curve is a 1-7 pitch with solid depth. The best you can hope for is Chad Bradford reincarnated.
9th: FB (89-91), CU (82-84), CB (79)
Heading to Wal-Mart real quick. Got 5 games to add still...